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Showtime. Calm the nerves, focus, execute. Just like you practiced it. Preparation is key here. Repetitions build expertise.
Front sight focus was another invaluable tool that this class provided me through the advice of Navy SEALs. The idea of prioritizing your list of items to complete and then to just give all your focus to one item and move onto the next is so simple and yet it has drastically changed the way I complete my work.
As most college students can attest, it is extremely intimidating to have a list a mile long with assignments to complete, work to get to, student orgs to attend, and exams to study for. Normally, sitting down and listing out everything I have to do would be a guaranteed panic followed by procrastination.
However, this tool makes it so much easier and even makes completing my daunting to do list possible. Now when I have things to do I simply give all my effort to the ones that are of high importance and have managed to minimize my procrastination and stress immensely. I have learned how to manage my time much more effectively making me more confident to tackle challenges.
This semester I finally reached the point where I decided to throw the e-cigarette away as it was damaging to my personal brand. Before I quit, I would be unable to study for long periods of time without getting up and going outside to vape. Even when I did satisfy the craving, there was always the side effect of having a cloudy mind which I could not stand. Quitting vaping was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. With that being said, the feeling that came to me after a few months with no nicotine was amazing and I couldn’t be prouder of myself for stopping the unhealthy practice. I know that my willpower was the primary factor in quitting smoking and vaping, but I do not think I would have ever attempted to quit if it weren’t for the personal reflection I did after discussing our brands in class.
A small thing I have started to do is clean my room and turn off my tv if I am going to write a paper and do homework. I always thought of actively becoming more organized as a sort of burden or chore, but I had it completely backwards. The amount of work I get done when I am focused and uncluttered is significant, and I complete things in half the time with complete focus.
After reading Chapter 4 of the text, it made me come to the realization that I had too much going on in my life, and it needed to be broken down into smaller tasks. I realized that I had too many distractions in my life ranging from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even watching Netflix for hours at a time. It was a wake-up call, that using those services, wasn’t going to get me closer to my goal of fixing my physical appearance. The book stated, “the great accomplishments in my life have come from being singularly dedicated to a significant end state goal and executing on the small identifiable tasks with consistency.”
I have applied that to my own life because instead of looking where I wanted to be years from now, I looked at things one day at a time. From Visualize Strategize Execute I learned it’s more about the small tasks I can do consistently on a daily basis such as biking to class or making smarter food choices that would have the greatest impact on my end goal. Visualize Strategize Execute acted as a catalyst in my drive for motivation which led me to an overall fit lifestyle. My confidence has skyrocketed over the past five months, and I can’t thank Professor Sulentic and Michael E. Vinyard enough.
The decluttering of my work space has been the single biggest change I’ve done, and it’s proved to be a huge help in my productivity and efficiency. VSE and WOS (Way of the SEAL) made me question my dedication to myself and my ideas. It had me asking questions like “How far are you willing to go with this?” and “Are you ready for this?” And at first, I’ll admit it, I questioned my ability to actually go ahead with my ideas. However, taking the process step by step has truly shown me how feasible an idea can be if I’m willing to pursue it. These readings were the “ah-hah” moment for me. I always thought becoming an entrepreneur was so far-fetched and that none of my ideas would actual become something.
The readings revamped my passion for pursuing a path of entrepreneurship. It equipped me with a unique and different perspective that’s proving to be extremely beneficial compared to all the other books out there on entrepreneurship. I’ve started talking with athletic trainers about an icepack that doesn’t inhibit mobility, yet still provides the necessary rehabilitation as any other icepack and I owe it to these texts and this class. I have been sitting on this idea for nearly two years and this class is what pushed me to take that next step. It pushed me to risk being vulnerable in order to make something of my idea and for that I’m grateful. This class extends far beyond simply entrepreneurship. It instills habits that breed a successful career and a life filled with experiences rather than sheltered comfort. For me personally, the VSE and WOS texts were simply the wake-up call I needed to accomplish these things.
I also found it hard to ask for help from other people that weren’t my friends in particular classes. I was in a specific class this semester and knew no one in it. The homework was consistently difficult, and I often found myself spending a lot of time trying to figure it out on my own. I knew that the TA was available for me, but I was just uncomfortable going there and asking questions. Eventually, I just did it and realized that I wasn’t dumb for struggling on the problems, I was dumb not going there for help.
While entrepreneurship does not directly relate to the degree I hope to someday get, I believe that the knowledge I gained during this class will allow me to be more prepared and more successful no matter what career I choose. I also think that this class has allowed me to become more prepared for college than the average high school graduate, which will help me stand out during my freshman year of college and for the rest of my life.
After I wrote the paper, I walked around campus and thought to myself how I was going to achieve my goals and because of that positive attitude, my lifestyle changed. I started caring more about myself and spent my time making myself a better person. I started to apply myself and thinking in more detail about simple things about what I was going to do that day or even what was I going to do for the next 50 minutes between classes.
Once I started to do this, I realized how much more efficiently I was spending my time. I learned how attacking a situation or event with a detailed plan prepared me so much more because I didn’t have to waste half of the time thinking about what I had to do or how to do it because it was already done. I would plan would my next move while being specific and detailed so I would actually get sh*t done. This new learned trait really shaped my demeanor and attitude for the rest of the semester for all of my classes.
Photo credits: John Hennelly
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