Visualize Strategize Execute
A Formula to Accomplish Your Dreams
Visualize Strategize Execute
A Formula to Accomplish Your Dreams
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A Formula to Accomplish Your Dreams
A Formula to Accomplish Your Dreams
When Michael Vinyard and I set out to write the book, we were determined to develop a new methodology that adapted to how students of today learn. We eventually arrived at cultivating an experience as opposed to simply writing a book. Our curious blend of alchemy includes elements of Toltec philosophy, the Navy SEALs, motor racing, martial arts, Tony Robbins, humility, empathy and effort. We humbly submit that it is the most effective entrepreneurship pedagogy in existence today.
After this course and engaging with the text, students demonstrate:
That's a lot to claim for one semester. But don't take our word for it, please read what the students have to say.
Is it a revolution, or a predictable outcome when engaging with the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center in the Tippie College of Business? And the answer is......YES.
-Joseph N. Sulentic, The University of Iowa
Visualize, Strategize, Execute is a way to look at life. It is something you can do every day to help chase your dreams. VSE allows you to prioritize and achieve your goals. Since I have started using this method in my life, I have been more organized, less stressed, and more prepared to do whatever life throws at me. It has helped me leave my comfort zone and try things I never would have thought I would find the courage to do. It has transformed my life, and made me a better version of myself.
While reading the separate chapters from Visualize Strategize Execute, I took notes on each chapter. I wrote down little bits of wisdom that I thought would benefit me later in this course, and in life. Near the end of the first chapter right before the exercises, I wrote down the quote, “Are you willing to invest five minutes to improve your life?” I often think about this quote when I am struggling to begin certain tasks. I think, alright Hannah, do this for five minutes. You’ll get on a roll and feel so much better. And then I finish the task and feel relief. This new way of living my life has drastically improved my ability to complete different responsibilities of mine. I’ve come to realize that no time is better than the present; if not now, when? I hope to keep this philosophy for the rest of my life.
If I would have to describe what this class has given me in one word, it would be motivation. Motivation to dream, to accomplish my goals, to expend effort into the things I care about, and to get uncomfortable. I still have written on a small sticky note from one of the first classes, “Anything worth having takes immense effort.” This has stuck with me throughout the entire semester and will, I believe, for the rest of my professional education and career. If I wouldn’t have been forced to think about my future in great detail, I would never have made goals, started to really care, and thought about what I truly want, what makes my soul happy; what gets me out of bed every day.
Applying practices such as front sight focus and breathing techniques have helped me to focus and accomplish more this semester, in class and in the practice room, than I have any other semester. And I believe it will only get better from here. I am learning to accomplish the goals I set day by day, and to take baby steps to accomplish them. Instead of beating myself up for not accomplishing the huge things at first, I try very hard to celebrate the small accomplishments and daily habits that I have started to implement to improve my life.
Putting forth more effort has helped me not only academically, but in my friendships and personal life as well. It has improved my mental health, and effort to take care of myself and make that a priority has helped me to prioritize what is important to me. I have found interest in business practices and creating business plans, as well as gained an internship I would never have applied for before taking this class. I have gotten the chance to meet great classmates and professors and have gotten out of my shell and comfort zone in a way that I haven’t before in college. I am genuinely excited instead of dreadful for the future and cannot wait to plan, read, and learn more over the next few years.
This class played a big part in my interview experience and with what I learned from this class I put into action and ended up getting the job. Getting out of my comfort zone was the essential first step.
I didn’t initially buy into this course. I truthfully thought it was a bunch of fantasy. After I heard Joe point out that if we weren’t going to try and get anything from our courses, we were making a bad investment with our time and money. As an out of state student paying insane tuition rates, this was kind of a “kick in the butt” moment. So, I decided to buy in.
I visualized my day to day and my long term, and it helped me land a job, it helped me make friends, it helped me be a better family member, and it helped me define who I want to be.
Once I left my comfort zone, I made more strides in three months than I have in the past three years. I reached out to one professor, and then another, then moved on to meeting my TAs and making myself known. After that I applied for a job (and got it) and I joined a student org. I started vocalizing my ideas, beliefs, and opinions in the student org and I decided to run for office. I did my interview and now I’m the VP of the organization.
Prior to this class, although I knew I would eventually have to define my goals and view of the future, I was always putting it off. However, “I am only a sophomore...” can easily be turned into “I’m already a sophomore...” In order to solidify my future, I have to “do today what others won’t” so that I can “do tomorrow what others can’t.” Through front sight focus, solidifying my mission, and visualization, I was forced to concretely lay out my goals.
This freaked me out at first, but writing my goals down and detailing the steps and skills I would need to get there was empowering and exciting. I became a lot more confident in myself and what I stand for. Additionally, I now had a much improved resume that helped me land a summer job with my dream dance company – Hubbard Street Dance. Being a professional dancer is somewhat of a pipe dream, but this “bulletproofing” of my mission made me think that maybe it wasn’t such a pipe dream after all.
This class taught me essential things about entrepreneurship, but also about life. I feel more prepared and more confident in my future after this class. I am eager to utilize VSE, dirt-diving, and front sight focus in future classes and at my new promotion.
I believe this class should be a requirement for all business students because this class gives you the raw truth about the world, business, and how life works in general. I have learned more about myself and the world in one semester than what I have learned throughout all of last school year. This course has helped me to grow, try new things, have confidence, make plans, communicate, relax, and how to work under pressure.
After reading about the modifications one can make to precipitate increases in productivity and grow personally, I decided to implement some of these changes. Stepping out of my comfort zone and shifting the stagnant portfolio of activity in which I was operating, I put an emphasis on reducing screen time, increasing time spent on homework/schoolwork, and actively participating in classes. Even alone in my participation during the discussion sections of some of my classes, I am proud of my decisions and the impacts that it has had on my semester (highest GPA ever recorded in my personal history dating back to middle school).
The third activity where I officially saw a change in my confidence was the final presentation that my group and I gave just last week. I was almost in shock because I was so used to using the simple strategies that I totally forgot about being nervous and was almost a natural when I presented. I have never NOT been nervous for a presentation so I was in awe after I was done at how calm and well I was able to perform. Going out of my comfort zone allowed me to learn so much about who I am as a person and the benefit that comes along with taking a leap of faith and just doing it. This class taught me not only how to be a confident entrepreneur but just a confident person in everything that I do. It has definitely been a game changer for me mentally and academically.
Photo credits:
Joe Sulentic (sky)
John Hennelly (students)
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